揚名國際的經典台灣味 小籠包自己做

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[皮凍 ASPIC]

1. 豬皮 Hog Skin 300 g

2. 蔥 Spring Onion 1 root

3. 薑 Ginger 10 g

4. 紹興酒 Shaoxing Rice Wine 5 g

5. 水 Water appropriate amount 適量

6. 白胡椒粉 White Pepper Powder appropriate amount 適量

7. 鹽 Salt appropriate amount 適量

8. 糖 Sugar appropriate amount 適量


1. 蔥 Spring Onion 20 g

2. 薑 Ginger 20 g

3. 水 Water 100 g


1. 豬絞肉 Ground Pork 300 g

2. 醬油Soy Sauce 20 g

3. 五香粉 Allspice 4 g

4. 白胡椒粉 White Pepper Powder 6 g

5. 鹽 Salt appropriate amount 適量

6. 香油 Sesame Oil appropriate amount 適量

7. 蔥薑水 Spring Onion Ginger Water 150 ml

8. 皮凍 Aspic 200 g

[湯包皮 Dough]

1. 中筋麵粉 Plain Flour 400 g

2. 溫水 Warm Water 190 g

3. 酵母 Yeast 2 g

4. 糖 Sugar 10 g


[皮凍 ASPIC]

1. 將豬皮、蔥段、薑片放入鍋中,加水淹過食材

Put hog skin, chopped spring onion, and ginger slide into the pan and pour the water in to cover the materials

2. 以小火慢燉1小時(或以電鍋外鍋加800 ml水蒸1小時)

Stew with low-heat for 1 hour (Or steam with automatic cooker, pour 800 ml water in the outside pan and steam for 1 hour )

3. 過濾蒸好的湯,倒入容器,冷藏1晚結凍

Sieve the soup and pour into a mould, and refrigerate for 1 day


1. 將蔥、薑切適當大小後放入食物調理機

Make spring onion and ginger chopped and put them into the food processor

2. 加入150ml水打碎

Blend with 150 ml water

3. 過濾備用

Make the water sieved


1. 將豬絞肉放入食物調理機打碎

Put the ground pork into food processor and make it blended

2. 將醬油、五香粉、白胡椒粉、鹽、香油加入豬絞肉中,並分次加入蔥薑水拌勻

Put soy sauce, white pepper powder, salt and sesame oil into the ground pork, and pour the spring onion ginger water to in batches and stir evenly

3. 冷藏約1小時

Refrigerate for 1 hour

4. 皮凍剁碎加入冰鎮後的絞肉中拌勻

Make the aspic chopped and add to the refrigerated ground pork

5. 冷藏保存

Keep the ground pork in refrigerator

[湯包皮 Dough]

1. 溫水中加入酵母及糖拌勻,靜置2-3分鐘

Put the yeast and sugar into the warm water and stir evenly, then stat still for 2-3 minutes

2. 將糖、酵母水加入麵粉中拌勻、揉麵

Put the yeast water into plain flour, stir evenly and knead to make it become dough

3. 成團後蓋上濕布,靜置發酵約10分鐘

When the powder finally become the dough, covered by a wet cloth and wait for 10 minutes

4. 將發酵麵團再次揉麵,再蓋上濕布發酵10分鐘

Then knead the dough again, and covered by a wet cloth and wait for 10 minutes again

5. 將發酵好的麵團分割,約12克1個

Cut the fermented dough into pieces, it’s about 12g per small dough

6. 以桿麵棍將麵團桿成直徑約10-12公分大小的圓

Roll the dough into 10-12 diameters with the rolling pin

7. 包的時候以右手大拇指及食指為主,左手為輔,

When fold the wrapper, mainly rely on the thumb and forefinger of right hands, and supplemented by left hand

8. 邊推邊拉,慢慢將開口捏合

Push, pull and pinch the wrapper to make the open part closed slowly

9. 蒸5-8分鐘即可

Steam for 5-6 minutes


