Adorable Footage Captures Kangaroo Joey's Wobbly First Hops

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Footage taken by an Australian zoo in Somersby, New South Wales, shows the adorable moment a kangaroo joey took his first hops.

This footage, released by the Australian Reptile Park, shows Jumping Jack the eastern grey kangaroo joey bounding out of his mother’s pouch and exploring his enclosure.

The park’s director Tim Faulkner said, “I love when we see Kangaroo joeys begin to pop their heads out of the pouch, and we’ve seen a few after the past few weeks! It’s always so exciting when they take the great big leap from Mum’s pouch, is there anything cuter than the first wobbly hops of roo joey?! And Jumping Jack is certainly living up to that!”. Credit: Australian Reptile Park via Storyful