S. Africa grants jailed ex-leader Zuma medical parole

The jailed former president of South Africa Jacob Zuma has been released on medical parole, owing to what the government says is his ill health.

The 79-year-old was sentenced earlier this year to fifteen months in prison for contempt of court.

But his release comes after serving only two.

The country's Department of Correctional Services said their decision was based on a medical report.

Last month, Zuma had an unspecified surgery in an outside hospital with more operations planned.

A spokesman for the government department said he is still in hospital, but will be allowed to go home as he continues to receive medical care.

But that spokesman also said Zuma will continue to serve out his sentence by complying to certain conditions while being under supervision.

Details of those conditions, or Zuma's health, however remain unclear.

Zuma was jailed in July for defying a Constitutional Court order to give evidence at an inquiry.

That investigation centred on high-level corruption during Zuma's nine years in office until 2018.

After he turned himself in to authorities, protests from Zuma's supporters erupted in the country, devolving into looting and arson.

Zuma's successor, current president Cyril Ramaphosa, described that situation as an 'insurrection'.