Apple faces more trouble in France with strike

10 個月前

STORY: Unions at Apple's stores in France have called for a strike on Friday (September 22) and Saturday (September 23).

They are demanding better pay and working conditions.

The action comes at an inconvenient time for the U.S. tech giant as it's due to launch its new iPhone 15.

One union member told French media that Apple France workers could mobilize in three quarters of Apple's stores in the country.

Apple France could not be immediately reached for comment.

Its the latest tough break for the company in France.

Last week, the French government suspended sales of iPhone 12 handsets.

It did so after it said tests found breaches of radiation exposure limits.

Apple pledged to update software on iPhone 12s in France to settle the dispute.

But further worries in other European countries suggested it may have to take similar action elsewhere.