'Only in America' says Newsom after Cali shootings
STORY: “Only in America do we see this kind of carnage, this kind of chaos, this kind of destruction of communities and lives and confidence and a sense of safety and belonging, which we all yearn for, regardless of our political stripes,” Newsom said.
Newsom, standing outside a victims' resource center in Half Moon Bay, told reporters he was disgusted with officials at all levels who did nothing to strengthen gun laws, despite the number of mass shootings in America.
"Thirty-nine now of these mass shootings, and we're only on day 24 of the new year," Newsom said. "Only in America. No. 1 in gun ownership. No. 1 in gun deaths. It's not even complicated."
Newsom touted California's gun laws - the most stringent in the U.S. - "but we can't do this alone, and with all due respect, we feel like we are." The governor blasted Republicans for blocking gun legislation at all levels, despite what he said was clear evidence that stricter gun laws could save lives.
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