Son of Aung San Suu Kyi says he’s worried about her health

8 個月前

STORY: The 78-year-old Nobel laureate, who has been held in jail for more than two years, has experienced bouts of dizziness and vomiting but has been denied access to an outside doctor, said her son, Kim Aris, who is a British national.

“It is extremely worrying,” he told Reuters on Monday (September 11).

Suu Kyi had won a 2015 election, held as part of tentative military reforms, and her party won again in 2020, before the military complained of election fraud.

The military overthrew and arrested Suu Kyi in February 2021, alleging irregularities in the election. Suu Kyi is facing 27 years of detention related to 19 criminal offences. She denies all the charges for which she was convicted, ranging from incitement and election fraud to corruption, and has been appealing against them.