Rabat's only woman taxi driver busts stereotypes

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Meet the only female taxi driver in Morocco's capital

Location: Rabat, Morocco

There used to be seven woman licensed as taxi drivers here

All of them have now stopped working except Souad Hdidou

who has built up a solid customer base


"I rode with Souad many times and I am very comfortable while I am with her in the car. I can talk to her like a Moroccan woman, unlike when I ride with a man, I am silent. I cannot talk to him or even speak on the phone with comfort. But with a woman, I am comfortable as if I am with my sister or my mother. So we need more women taxi drivers."

Hdidou now earns enough to pay the mortgage on her flat

and support her family in the countryside

(SOUNDBITE) (Arabic) FEMALE MOROCCAN TAXI DRIVER, SOUAD HDIDOU, SAYING: "God willing, in the future, I hope that I will not continue to drive a taxi. My wish is to work in international transport. This has been my dream since childhood. I am now in the process of getting different types of driving licenses and international transport. This is Souad's life."