Baby Giraffe Walks After Wearing Specialized Leg Braces at San Diego Zoo

2 年前

A three-month-old giraffe at the San Diego Zoo Safari Park was up and running after being fitted with a specialized pair of orthotic braces, which correctly positioned her bent legs.

The giraffe, named Msituni, suffered from a hyperextension of the carpi, which caused her front legs to bend improperly and made it difficult for her to stand or walk, according to the zoo.

“Wildlife care staff said Msituni’s chances of survival would have been very low without the treatment provided by the San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance team in collaboration with orthotists from Hanger Clinic,” the zoo said.

The baby giraffe also received treatment for blood abnormalities and irregularly positioned back legs.

These videos shared by the San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance on May 13 show Msituni’s leg brace treatments, as well as the rehabilitated animal joining the rest of the giraffe herd and drinking from a bottle. Credit: San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance via Storyful