Beyond Google talks, Apple needs to 'catch up' on AI development
According to a report from Bloomberg, Apple (AAPL) is currently in talks with Google (GOOG, GOOGL) to use its generative AI engine, Google Gemini, in iPhones. Oppenheimer Senior Analyst of Emerging Technologies and Services Martin Yang joins Yahoo Finance to discuss the reported talks and Apple's position within the AI sector.
For the partnership to be successful for both companies, Yan states, "it will require a lot of nuance on how the large language models or gen AI functions will be implemented because it can augment search capabilities, but there are also a large number of applications it can use. One example would be simulating communication to copilot for the productivity applications from Apple, similar to Microsoft's (MSFT) implementation of copilot for its Office suite. "
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Editor's note: This article was written by Nicholas Jacobino
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