Bodycam Shows Wisconsin Police Getting Charged by Dogs

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Two police officers were hospitalized with bite wounds after several dogs attacked them in southern Wisconsin in mid-March, footage shows.

Bodycam footage provided by the Monona Police Department shows an officer getting charged by several dogs in a parking lot in the city before getting bit by one of them. The officer is seen calling for backup, and the second officer is also charged and bit shortly after arriving on the scene. Several dogs are seen exiting the vehicle and running around the parking lot as the owners try to retrieve them. An officer is seen using a Taser on at least one of the dogs.

The Monona Police Department told local news that roughly nine dogs were seen and that both officers received bites on their upper thighs. According to local news reports, the officers were treated at a hospital for the bite wounds.

Monona Police Chief Brian Chaney told local news that “the officers involved used a tremendous amount of restraint after being charged and bit,” and that the owner was issued two citations for failing to control her animals.

According to local outlet WKOW, Chaney said, “Animal Services reported there to be past bite history with various dogs and the owner involved in this incident.” Credit: Monona Police Department via Storyful