Brits think investing is strictly reserved for the super-rich - with 45 per cent not getting involved themselves
1 年前
Brits think investing is strictly reserved for the super-rich - with 45 per cent not getting involved themselves.
A poll of 2,000 adults found 38 per cent associate it with city bankers, while 21 per cent think it's the domain of older adults.
And 47 per cent admit they're daunted by the prospect of getting started - with four in 10 not having a clue where or how to begin.
A third (32 per cent) also didn’t start taking any active interest in their pension until they were 36 or older.
Liz Fernando, chief investment officer for Nest pensions, which commissioned the research, said: "Pensions are a great way to invest your money and watch it grow over time, in the background while you work.
“It’s evident that there’s a lot of work to do to demystify perceptions surrounding who can enter the world of investment - it really can be for everyone.”
The results also found 49 per cent think the general perception of investing being primarily for the wealthy acts as a barrier for other people who would otherwise want to invest.
As almost three quarters (73 per cent) feel these opportunities should be accessible for people from all income levels.
Among the three groups which Brits feel are most underrepresented when it comes to investing are the working classes (46 per cent), young people (34 per cent) and ethnic minorities (29 per cent).
For nearly eight in 10 (78 per cent), the fear of losing money makes the idea of investment off-putting.
While lack of investing knowledge (52 per cent), uncertainty about the economy (51 per cent) and not knowing where to begin (38 per cent) are among the top fears.
But 64 per cent believe more people would be likely to invest - if they could see where exactly their money is going.
A third would describe their investing knowledge as ‘bad’ - while 53 per cent feel clear and transparent information about investment options would help ease their concerns.
Simpler investment platforms or tools would feel most beneficial for 49 per cent of those polled, via OnePoll.
And when it comes to pensions, profitability is sought-after for 58 per cent.
While investing in sustainable businesses is vital for 29 per cent.
More than four in 10 (42 per cent) are connected to their pension through an employment plan - while 15 per cent contribute through a private plan.
Liz Fernando, for Nest pensions, added:” We know your pension pot can be one of the most valuable ways to help secure your future retirement, and it's right you know where it's being invested - especially when you're saving into it for decades”.
“We don’t know how the world of finance will look in years to come, but we do know your future self should be grateful that you are adding to your pot.”
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