BTS star Jin begins South Korea army duty
STORY: This is how his fans are used to seeing Jin, the oldest member of K-pop phenomenon BTS, on stage with fellow band members.
But on Tuesday, he became one of South Korea's military's newest recruit -- complete with shaven head.
Dozens of his supporters braved freezing temperatures to speed him on his way at his bootcamp in the eastern county of Yeoncheon, where frontline troops are deployed on guard against North Korea.
For some, it was all too much.
"Very, very sad and finally we realized this is real, and cannot, (I) cannot imagine. I want him to eat more, stay safe and healthy."
"I can't see Jin live for about two years while he is serving a military, but I will be comforted by listening to his songs."
BTS announced plans in October to sign up for mandatory military service, starting with Jin, who turned 30 on December 4, after having postponed his service for the maximum time allowed.
The band will reunite in 2025 after pursuing individual projects.
After five weeks' training at the camp, about 28 miles from the heavily fortified Demilitarized Zone that separates the two Koreas, Jin will be deployed to a unit that has not yet been specified.
South Korea requires military service of about two years from all able-bodied men between the ages of 18 and 28.
It revised the law in 2019 to let globally recognized K-pop stars delay signing up until 30.
South Korea's defence minister has said BTS would be able to perform overseas while in the military.
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