Netflix edits 'Squid Game' tel number over pranks

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Imagine getting thousands of prank calls and text messages after your phone number was shown on a hit TV show.

That is what happened to one South Korean woman when her number was used as a key plot point in Netflix's 'Squid Game'.

She may now get some relief after Netflix and local production company Siren Pictures said Wednesday (October 6) they would edit scenes to remove the number.

In the unedited version of the show, it appears on a mysterious invitation card given to potential players of a series of deadly games.

The nine-part thriller follows contestants who are struggling financially playing to the death to win about $38 million.

Local broadcaster SBS interviewed the owner of the phone number in September.

She told SBS it was impossible for her to change her number due to client contacts.

And said she turned down an offer of $840 in compensation.

Netflix and Siren Pictures did not comment on any compensation offers Wednesday.

The Korean Film Council offers moviemakers screen numbers that are not used in real life.

But TV shows streamed on over-the-top services like Netflix do not have access to that service.