'Cranky' Rescue Bat Scarfs Down Banana
A bat sanctuary in Australia introduced one of its newest residents earlier this month in a very cute video posted to YouTube.
Queensland-based Denise Wade has been caring for injured baby bats for more than a decade, and regularly posts footage of the critters in her care to her Batzilla the Bat YouTube channel.
Footage posted by Wade on June 1 shows one of her new arrivals, affectionally dubbed “Cranky Candy,” tentatively nibbling on some tasty banana before inhaling a massive piece.
According to the video’s caption, Candy was rescued after she was discovered by a homeowner in an outside greenhouse.
“We don’t know why she was in there but at around 16 weeks of age, Candy is not a good weight for her forearm length and she is extremely hungry,” Wade wrote.
“It’s very common for littlies to find themselves in trouble. So please keep calling them in if you find any bat by itself through the day, as it’s in trouble,” she urged in the caption. Credit: Batzilla the Bat via Storyful
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