Crowds Gather in Amsterdam Despite COVID-19 Restrictions

3 年前

Groups of maskless people gathered in public areas around Amsterdam, including the Museumplein, on Sunday, April 18, before police arrived to disperse the crowds.

Footage shared by Martin van Zeelt shows small groups outside the Johan Cruyff Arena and larger crowds partying at the Museumplein on Sunday.

Demonstrators known as “coffee drinkers” have been organizing weekly gatherings at the Museumplein as a form of protest against the government’s COVID-19 restrictions, according to Het Parool.

Police have regularly intervened, sometimes deploying water cannons and arresting participants, local media reported.

Under the Dutch government’s COVID-19 guidelines, people are only allowed to go outside alone, with members of their own household, or with one other person who is not a member of their household. Credit: Martin van Zeelt via Storyful