Cumbre Vieja Volcanic Explosion Yellows Pine Needles in La Palma

2 年前

The Cumbre Vieja volcano continued its eruption on October 15 in La Palma, Spain, with its emissions yellowing the needles of pine trees growing on its crater.

This video shared by the Institute of Natural Products and Agrobiology (IPNA), who said it was taken on October 14, shows a stretch of yellowed pine trees. “The chlorosis (yellowing of the needles) of the Canary pines already covers more than 2 kilometers of the crater,” wrote the IPNA.

Chlorosis occurs when leaf tissue turns yellow due to a lack of chlorophyll, according to the University of Illinois, with volcanic sulfur dioxide emissions potentially leading to the condition. Credit: Manuel Nogales/IPNA-CSIC via Storyful