At Least Three Killed by Russian Drone Strike in Odesa, Ukraine Military Says
Ukraine’s military said at least three people were killed and more than two dozen injured following a Russian drone strike on the city of Odesa early on Saturday morning, June 10.
Operational Command “South” said Russia attacked the city using Shahed-136 drones. All drones were destroyed by air defenses, but falling debris hit residential buildings, the military said.
Three children and a pregnant woman were among the injured. “Medical care has been provided to everyone. People whose homes have been damaged have been given a temporary shelter,” the military said.
Footage posted by Operational Command “South” showed emergency services attending the scene as flames and smoke billow from a number of windows of an apartment block. At one point, one person can be seen standing in a crater. Credit: Operational Command “South” via Storyful
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