Curious Ocelot Swipes at Grass Outside Enclosure at Bolivian Sanctuary

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An adorable rescued ocelot tried to swipe some grass from outside her enclosure at a Bolivian wildlife sanctuary.

Footage posted to YouTube by Natalia Cara de Medeiros shows the curious ocelot, which she said was rescued from the black market, poking out her paw to try take hold of the grass just beyond her reach at La Senda Verde, a wildlife refuge in Yolosa.

“The grass is always greener on the other side,” she captioned the video.

De Medeiros said in the video’s description that the ocelot seen in the clip lives with another ocelot, and usually spends her time exploring their enclosure, but that she will sometimes come over to the “switch area” to interact with her caretakers. Credit: Natalia Cara de Medeiros via Storyful