'Don't Touch the Unicorn': Californian Couple Watch Bear Family Swimming in Their Pool

3 年前

A couple watched a family of bears climb down into their backyard before taking a dip in their pool in Sierra Madre, California, on July 9.

Tiffany Kress’s video shows a mother bear and two cubs taking a swim as she and her husband, Kevin, add commentary.

“This is happening,” Kevin says when the mother bear prepares to jump off their back wall to join her two kids in the pool. “Please don’t touch the unicorn,” he says. “We just got that.”

Kress told Storyful it was common to see bears in the woods. “Since the Bobcat Fire of September 2020, bear sightings have become more frequent as wildlife had to flee,” she said. Credit: Tiffany Kress via Storyful