Double arm transplant recipient able to pick up and eat food 9 months after operation

2 年前
The recipient of the world's first double arm transplant can now use his fingers just nine months after the operation. Felix Gretarsson, 49, has shocked surgeons with his incredible progress, and is now able to pick up and eat food with his transplanted arms. Felix demonstrated his newfound sensations by picking up and eating pieces of clementine on camera - with a massive smile on his face. He said: "It is like I'm getting a gift every week with something a little bit more. "I can put stuff in my mouth for the first time in almost 24 years. "I can eat a croissant if my wife breaks it down into little pieces, I can grab things if they are not very heavy." He can also shake people's hands. "It's not a very strong handshake, but as everyone just wants to just tap an elbow now, I can just tap an elbow," said Felix. Felix, from Kópavogur, Iceland, was electrocuted while trying to fix a powerline and both his arms were set on fire in 1998. He had 54 operations while in a three-month-long coma - and doctors had to remove both of his arms to save his life. Felix tracked down a world renowned surgeon and begged him to perform a never-before-attempted transplant - moving half way across the world to be in line. On the 23 year anniversary of his accident, he had a double arm and shoulder transplant in a 15 hour surgery, in January this year. Thanks to hundreds of hours of rehabilitation work, six months on he could move his elbows while in water. After nine months, he announced to his followers on social media that he could even move his fingers which was not expected until he was two years post-op. The sensation started coming back into his palm in early October, and he started to get the feeling hat he could move his fingers. He said: "It is a gradual process, the sensation is little bit different, it's different nerves. "The sensation is coming quicker than the functionality. "In the beginning I was not quite sure if I was moving the finger or I was moving something else and the finger was tagging along." Gradually his middle finger and ring finger started to move with his index finger, which left his surgical team gobsmacked. "They were giggling like small boys, taking videos because they couldn't believe I was moving the fingers. "Now I can move all three of them and I can move the wrist towards me. "When we did this operation it was if I can move my elbow the operation is a success, now I'm moving the elbow, shoulders and fingers and we are just nine months into the process. "It's much, much quicker and better than we thought."