Drone Footage Shows Flooding Along Dnieper River After Ukraine Dam Breach
Drone footage showed the extent of flooding around Russian-occupied Nova Kakhovka after the Kakhovka dam collapsed early on June 6, with Russia and Ukraine trading accusations of responsibility.
Suspilne News posted the footage, which shows the destroyed dam and a number of squares, buildings, and a sports stadium flooded.
In a speech on Tuesday, Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky said 80 towns and villages were under water and that evacuations were underway. He said the true scale of the impact of the dam’s failure had yet to be realized.
The Kakovka reservoir was a source of drinking water for millions of people and used for farming and agricultural production, Zelensky said.
The Kremlin called the dam’s destruction a deliberate act of sabotage by Ukraine. On Twitter, Zelensky blamed Russia. Credit: Suspilne News via Storyful
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