Amazon faces new UK competition probe

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STORY: Amazon faces a new probe in the UK.

The Competition and Markets Authority says it began an investigation on Tuesday (July 5).

It’s looking into whether the e-commerce titan gives its own retail business an advantage over third parties.

The CMA will also examine whether Amazon favors sellers who use its logistics and delivery services.

A spokesperson for Amazon said the firm would work closely with regulators.

They said that sales from selling partners were growing faster than Amazon’s own sales.

The investigation follows an EU probe looking into similar concerns, and the CMA said it would liaise with European watchdogs.

On Wednesday (July 6), the Financial Times reported that Amazon would share more data with rivals and take other steps as part of a deal with the EU.

The same day saw Germany’s antitrust regulator subject the firm to extra supervision, saying Amazon was of outstanding importance to competition.