Australia PM says Morrison 'undermined democracy'

STORY: Morrison, who stepped down as leader of the Liberal Party after losing a general election in May, has come under fire from senior members of his own party and its coalition partner, the National Party, who were unaware of the arrangements.

After a review of the matter by the Prime Minister's department, Albanese told reporters Morrison had taken on the health and finance portfolios in March 2020, home affairs and treasury in May 2021, and resources in April 2021.

"Its completely extraordinary that these appointments were kept secret by the Morrison government from the Australian people," he said.

Albanese will receive legal advice on the issue from the solicitor general on Monday, and said he was critical of the Morrison government for allowing a centralisation of power by the prime minister.

Morrison earlier on Tuesday defended taking on extra ministerial roles without his cabinet's knowledge during the COVID-19 pandemic, saying it was "an unprecedented time" and that the powers served as a safeguard.