Brooklyn Festival Cancels Opening Night as Air Quality Deteriorates
A popular summer festival in Brooklyn canceled its opening night, scheduled for Wednesday, June 7, due to poor air quality in the area, organizers said.
The BRIC Celebrate Brooklyn! Festival, which runs a summer-long series of outdoor concerts and performances in the borough, apologized for the cancellation but deemed it necessary.
“Due to the unprecedented air quality in NY, we’ve made the difficult decision to cancel opening night. The health of our staff & the communities we serve is our first priority,” organizers said.
On Tuesday, authorities issued an Air Quality Health Advisory for large swaths of the state, including New York City where the smoke arrived on Tuesday afternoon. Another advisory was issued for Thursday, June 8, encompassing all of New York, with the exception of the Adirondacks.
Footage captured by Evelien De Vogel shows the hazy conditions in Prospect Park on Wednesday afternoon. Credit: Evelien De Vogel via Storyful
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