Canadian Sikhs protest over activist's murder
STORY: Trudeau a week ago stood in parliament to say that domestic intelligence agencies were actively pursuing credible allegations tying New Delhi's agents to the shooting of Canadian citizen Hardeep Singh Nijjar, 45, in June.
About 100 protesters in Toronto burned an Indian flag and struck a cardboard cut-out of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi with a shoe. About 200 protesters also gathered outside the Vancouver consulate.
Canada is home to about 770,000 Sikhs - the highest population of Sikhs outside their home state of Punjab - and in recent years there have been many demonstrations that have irked India.
India labeled Trudeau's allegations "absurd." It warned travelers last week that there were growing "anti-India activities" in Canada, urging "utmost caution" but did not provide evidence or details of specific incidents.
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