Oil spill turns Peru beach black after Tonga eruption

Peru's Environment Minister Ruben Ramirez said the oil spill occurred while a ship was supplying the La Pampilla refinery, affecting at least 1.3 miles of the country's central coast in Ventanilla.

"It is unfortunate to be on-site and see there is a serious impact on the coastal marine area. Initially, it was reported over a mile was affected but now we're seeing it has affected two beaches, Cavero beach and Bahia Blanca. We're now on-site seeing that indeed a lot of the oil spill off has seeped into these small islands through the waves."

The Peruvian Agency for Environmental Assessment and Enforcement (OEFA) said it has initiated an investigation to determine responsibility, but some are blaming recent high tides for the spill.

The high tides triggered by the recent volcanic explosion near Tonga have been felt as far away as Peru.

High tides spread across the Pacific after the Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai volcano erupted on Saturday, triggering a tsunami warning on the shores of Tonga.