Reuters crew gets rare access to volcano

A Reuters crew got rare access inside La Palma’s volcano

with a team of volcanologists

Location: La Palma, Spain

They went inside one of the six craters

to measure gas emissions and temperatures


"One thing that stands out when you enter, even if you have been there many times, are the dimensions. Once you are inside you realize it's huge, gigantic. There are many craters and gas emissions continue to be very impressive from a visual perspective, even from kilometres away."

Hernandez says the volcanic eruption in La Palma

was the most devastating in Europe in 80 years

Temperatures inside the craters were around 1,540°F

Scientists say extremely high temperatures could continue for years

The area close to the craters remains closed to the public

For locals, the area has been noticeably transformed forever

with green slopes being replaced by a huge volcanic cone


"Many have been living with their backs to reality. And the reality is that we live in active volcanic territory. And we always say in our educational program, the important thing is not to be alarmed but alert. I believe that this is the lesson to be learned from this eruption."