Special Counsel Unseals Federal Indictment Against Trump
Special Counsel Jack Smith announced a 38-count indictment on Friday, June 9, regarding former President Donald Trump’s handling of classified documents.
The unsealed indictment alleges that Trump kept “hundreds” of classified documents in his bathroom, shower, ballroom, storeroom, office, and bedroom. These documents included information regarding defense and weapons capabilities of both US and foreign countries, US nuclear programs, the potential vulnerabilities of the US and its allies’ military attack, and plans for possible retaliation in response to an attack, according to the 49-page document.
Trump was indicted on 37 felony counts, and his aide, Walt Nauta, was indicted on 38 counts. One part of the indictment includes messages from a “Trump family member” directing which boxes of documents they wanted Nauta to bring to Trump’s New Jersey property in an effort to hide them from investigators looking for them at Mar-a-Lago, Trump’s resort and residence in Palm Beach, Florida.
In a press conference on Friday afternoon, Smith said that the indictment was voted on by a grand jury of citizens in Florida. He urged everyone to read it to understand “the gravity of the crimes charged.” Credit: US Dept of Justice via Storyful
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