Waterbombing Aircraft and Hundreds of Firefighters Battle Blazes in New South Wales
Waterbombing aircraft and hundreds of firefighters were battling blazes in New South Wales, after a total fire ban was issued for one part of the state on Thursday, September 21.
Footage posted by the New South Wales Rural Fire Service (NSWRFS) in Southern Highlands shows a fire burning at Bangadilly Road, in Canyonleigh.
Firefighters said they were trying to identify containment lines and that the fire was burning in bushland under moderate fire danger conditions.
They told residents there was no threat to homes; however, back-burning operations would likely increase the visibility of smoke across the area.
NSWRFS told Storfyul that as of 5 pm on September 21, 86 fires were burning across the state and more than 700 firefighters and incident management team members had spent a second day trying to bring them under control.
Temperatures dropped down to the low 20s Celsius on Thursday (around 70 Fahrenheit) after hitting the mid-30s on Tuesday and Wednesday. Credit: New South Wales Rural Fire Service via Storyful
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