Falcon hospital treats Qatar's national bird
STORY: This is Doha's falcon hospital
Location: Souq Waqif Falcon Hospital
Established in 2008, the facility offers a range of services
from surgery to generating ID and passports for the birds
During peak season, the clinic can receive up to 150 birds a day
[Muhammad Babar, Veterinarian] "Falconry is something that is practiced more in this part of the world, I mean in the Middle East, so here it is a well-known practice and a well-known sport but in other parts of the world it is not practiced much so that is why we do have more falcon hospitals in Qatar and in other parts of the region."
Centuries ago, Bedouin tribesmen used falcons to hunt for meat in the winter
These days, falconry is a popular sport and hobby for many Qataris
The falcon is also the country’s national bird
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