Falling From Building - Monty Python's Flying Circus
10 年前
Monty Python’s Flying Circus”, a BBC comedy series starring Graham Chapman, John Cleese, Eric Idle, Terry Jones and Michael Palin with animation by Terry Gilliam, made its debut on BBC1 on October 5, 1969. There were 4 series in total and the programmes’ now-iconic sketches included: “Bicycle Repairman”, “Nudge Nudge”, “Parrot Sketch”, “Upper Class Twit of the Year”, “Ministry of Silly Walks”, “Spanish Inquisition’, “Gumbys”, “Bruces”, “Spam”, “Blackmail”, “Dirty Hungarian Phrasebook”, “Argument Clinic” and “Cheeseshop”, and Gilliam’s animated sketches “Charles Atlas”, “Killer Cars”, “Crelm Toothpaste” and “Submarine Fish”.
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