Finnish Tax Authority Urges People to 'Pay Your Tax and Play Some Sax'

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Finland’s national tax authority, Verohallinto, channeled Windows 95 and some killer saxophone music in an extraordinary campaign urging people to “pay your tax and play some sax” as part of an “epic tax party”, footage published on June 17 showed.

The promotional video came ahead of a scheduled streamed “epic tax party” and features “the legendary Windows95man and the ultimate public servant Epic Tax Guy.”

Windows95man is also known as Finnish visual artist Teemu Keisteri.

A visual feast, the promo for the June 24 event is “a thank you song to all the epic taxpayers in the house,” according to the tax authority.

“Put on your quirkiest party outfit, enjoy some Finnish midnight sun and join the #EpicTaxParty. We’ll create a music video out of viewer-made clips, so be sure to share yours.” Credit: Verohallinto via Storyful