Flooded Polish spa town looks 'like an apocalypse' after dam burst
STORY: Standing in his home in southern Poland, Darek Krzysztan points to damage caused by severe rain and flooding.
:: Ladek Zdrogj, Poland
He says he and his 16-year-old son have no place to live.
"There is nothing left,” he said. “Tiles are destroyed, floors are destroyed, walls are overturned.”
A nearby dam burst on Sunday, submerging the historic Polish spa town, as well as nearby towns and villages.
Border areas between the Czech Republic and Poland were hit hard over the weekend.
Heavy rain and surging water levels have forced evacuations, and left a trail of destruction, as well as a rising number of deaths.
It’s the worst flooding in over two decades.
Krzysztan said the rain started on Friday in his town.
The dam breached on Sunday.
And then the water started rising in his home.
His son Syzmon said his room no longer exists.
"The losses are unimaginable for the city. All the bridges are broken, asphalt is coming off. The town doesn't have the funds to repair it. The city looks like an apocalypse, I would call it a ghost town."
Krzysztan said he has experienced three floods in his life – including the significant 1997 event referred to as the ‘Flood of the Century.’
But this, he said, has been the worst.
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