Food That Have The Same Fullness Hormone As Ozempic
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Ozempic, a Type 2 diabetes medication that has gained widespread attention, is known for its appetite-suppressing properties.
1. Eggs
Not only are eggs rich in protein, which keeps you fuller than fats or carbs, but egg whites have peptides that stimulate GLP-1 production.
2. Oats and Grains
The soluble fiber in oats and other grains is fermented by the gut, producing short-chain fatty acids that stimulate the same hormone, GLP-1.
3. Nuts
Nuts are packed with protein and fiber, which are great for GLP-1 stimulation. They also contain a good amount of fat, which further supports GLP-1.
4. Avocados
Avocados not only provide satiating healthy fats but also boost GLP-1 levels when included in a meal, according to a study.
5. Vegetables
Eating vegetables before a meal regulates blood sugar levels and increases GLP-1 levels, according to a 2022 study.
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