Footage shows rapper Anuel AA accidentally launching a motorbike off stage after bringing it on during a concert
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Footage shows rapper Anuel AA accidentally launching a motorbike off stage after bringing it on during a concert.
The star had initially ridden to the end of the platform at Maddison Square Garden, New York, with guest star Bryant Myers on dirt bikes on Sunday (May 28).
But the video captured the moment when Anuel hit the throttle as he jumped off - leading one fan to scream “Oh my god!” as it lurched forward.
Support staff at the iconic venue were then seen hauling the bike back on the stage before the rapper repositioned it and continued with his performance.
Fan Chris who had driven over two hours from Hartford, Connecticut, to see the show wasn't sure if anyone was hurt during the crash.
He said: “The bike fell between the stage and the railing. I am uncertain if anyone got hurt.
“But if you look closely, you might be able to see the guy who helped him get the bike back on stage, was standing where the bike landed.
“So if it did hit anyone it would be him or security staff.”
The registered nurse, who had treated himself to the concert for his birthday, said the crash hadn't affected his experience, which featured several special guests.
He added: “He made it an amazing concert.
“It into a 3hr+ concert with surprise guest appearances that no one saw coming. From Zion, Tokischa, Nio Garcia, Casper, DJ Luian, El Alfa, Bryant Myers, and more.”
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