Four in five Americans look forward to spending time with family this holiday season

2 年前
Three in four Americans wouldn't mind getting rid of all their holiday traditions — as long as they can create new memories with their loved ones, according to new research. A survey of 2,000 Americans examined how families spend time together when the holidays roll up and found that 73% of respondents bond with their loved ones during the festivities more than any other time of year. Four in five look forward to that special time spent together (81%) and a similar number always try to make it happen every year (82%). Of parents surveyed, 73% said even their children are more excited about spending time with loved ones during the holidays than they expected. Conducted by OnePoll on behalf of Chinet, respondents shared that their favorite memories include seeing their loved ones during the holiday season (77%). Respondents shared that "being with family exchanging gifts," "chatting around the fireplace" and having "Christmas cookies at grandma's house" were some of their favorite memories over the years. Respondents spend an average of two weeks with their loved ones during the holiday season - and they do everything from cooking or baking together (56%), catching up on the year's events (52%), to playing games (48%).