Florida Inmates Use Criminal 'Skill Set' to Free Baby From Locked SUV

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A group of inmates on work duty in New Port Richey in Florida freed a one-year-old from an SUV parked at a courthouse after she was accidentally locked in the vehicle on February 14.

Footage shared to Facebook by the baby’s mother, Shadow Lantry, shows the prisoners pry the door open and use a wire hanger to push the electronic unlock button of a Chevrolet Tahoe. They eventually open the door, reuniting baby Dallas with her parents.

The Lantrys, who appeared on a September episode of Divorce Court in which Shadow was accused of sleeping with a 15-year-old, were at the courthouse for Shadow’s “pre-trial,” she said.

Lantry said Dallas was only trapped in the SUV for about five minutes, after her husband Joe accidentally locked the keys inside.

Pasco County Sheriff Chris Nocco praised the inmates. He told a local NBC affiliate their “‘skill set’ came in handy,” but added that “they know they made bad mistakes, bad choices, but they want to do the right thing in life.” Credit: Shadow Lantry via Storyful