Minneapolis Police Precinct Destroyed During Continued Unrest
The Minneapolis Police Precinct at the center of intense protests following the killing of George Floyd was destroyed overnight as demonstrations continued, reports said.
Just after 10 pm on Thursday night, May 28, protesters overran the 3rd Precinct, setting it ablaze after officers were ordered to evacuate at the behest of Mayor Jacob Frey, who believed there were “imminent threats” to officers and the building.
The official City of Minneapolis Twitter account warned protesters to move away from the building after receiving unconfirmed reports of cut gas lines and explosives inside the building.
This video shows the interior of the 3rd Precinct on Minnehaha Avenue. Freelance journalist Jared Goyette, who took the footage, wrote on Twitter, “I would describe the energy at the taking of the third precinct as Mad Max meets Les Mis.”
Minnesota Gov Tim Walz signed an executive order May 28 activating more than 500 National Guard soldiers to provide safety and protection to Minneapolis, Saint Paul, and the surrounding areas. Credit: Jared Goyette via Storyful
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