Getting Jacked... in More Ways Than One: Woman Swaps Weights for Whiskey as 2020 Takes Its Toll

69 次觀看・3 年前

This year of isolations and lockdowns might have begun with many people vowing to use it as an opportunity to get fit and healthy. But, as Megan Vaughan has perfectly illustrated with a new workout video, we’ve all just about had enough of 2020.

Vaughan’s video, captioned “2020: How It Started Vs How It’s Ending”, perfectly sums up how the year felt for many. A sprightly, smiling Vaughn is seen in the opening seconds, curling those dumbbells. Then we cut to “how it’s ending”: still with the bicep curls, but this time it’s a bottle of whiskey.

“This year in a nutshell,” was how Vaughan described it.

Vaughan regularly posts humorous videos of her workout routines, which include lifting her pet husky Cash during quarantine, and drinking wine while weightlifting. Credit: Megan Vaughan via Storyful