Berlin's Olympic Stadium Lights Up in Rainbow Colors as German Clubs Respond to UEFA Munich Ban
Berlin’s Olympic Stadium was lit up in rainbow colors on June 23 as Germany took on Hungary in their Euro 2020 game in Munich. The move at the capital venue came after UEFA refused a request for Munich’s Allianz Arena to be similarly illuminated.
The Munich request came in the wake of legislation passed in Hungary restricting the sharing with minors of content portraying homosexuality. UEFA said that due to the “the political context” of the request, it “must decline.”
Munich’s mayor, Dieter Reiter, called the UEFA decision “shameful” and promised the rainbow flag would fly at the town hall.
On Twitter ahead of the game, the Olympic Stadium, home of the soccer team Hertha Berlin, said, “When it comes to tolerance and human rights, we’ll be there – tomorrow, from 9 pm Rainbow#olympiastadionberlin.”
Other German clubs made similar gestures, including Eintracht Frankfurt and Wolfsburg.
The video, captured by Samni Krueger, shows the lit-up arena. Credit: Sanmi Krueger via Storyful
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