Goats in Clothes Munch on Pumpkin Spice Cereal

5 年前

Some pampered Tennessee goats enjoyed a sweet treat from their owner Britney ahead of Thanksgiving: Pumpkin Spice Cheerios.

Black and white goat Moona-Ruth chomped some of the cereal first, while happily kitted out in an autumnal knitted matching hat and scarf set.

Other goats from the farm got their turn to munch on the cereal treat, but chaotic scene emerged as they spilled the cereal, jumped on the table, and clamored for a mouthful. Even Britney’s guardian dog Roxie jumped into the taste-testing.

“They didn’t want to drink the caramel apple cider… will have to offer something different next time,” said Britney. Credit: Goat Life via Storyful