Giorgia Meloni Claims Victory in Italy's General Election

1 年前

In the early hours of Monday, September 26, Italy’s Giorgia Meloni claimed victory in her country’s general election.

Exit polls indicated her right-wing party, Brothers of Italy, and her coalition partners had secured enough of the vote to form government, Italy’s ANSA news agency reported late on Sunday.

Speaking to supporters, Meloni said that while there were still votes to be counted, it was clear that Italians had chosen a “centre-right government led by Brothers of Italy.”

She said she understood the responsibility placed upon her and that her government would “not betray it as we have never betrayed it.”

“If we are called to govern the nation we will do it for everyone, to unite the people by exalting what unites rather than what divides,” she said.

If formally elected, Meloni would make history as Italy’s first female prime minister. Credit: Giorgia Meloni via Storyful