How a Harris presidency could impact the housing market
Policies to increase housing have become a key point of Vide President Kamala Harris's 2024 presidential campaign. On the latest episode of Capitol Gains, TD Cowen Washington Research Group Managing Director Jaret Seiberg joins Yahoo Finance's Rachelle Akuffo, Washington Correspondent Ben Werschkul, and Senior Columnist Rick Newman to share his thoughts on policies Harris could implement to increase affordable housing.
Newman and Seiberg agree that the federal government is unlikely to build large public housing projects like they did in the fifties and sixties. Instead, Harris's plans rely on the low-income housing tax credit, which Seiberg says "has been very successful for the last 25, 30 years in getting affordable rental housing built." Her plan is to apply the same policy to get owner-occupied housing built. "The idea is simply to reduce the cost of funding for developers. So projects which aren't economically feasible at the price point that you need for entry-level housing, suddenly the numbers work."
Listen to the full episode of Capitol Gains here.
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This post was written by Meredith Lawrence.
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