'He's a Survivor': Woman Reunited With Missing Cat After 11 Years
There were tears of joy at an animal shelter in South Carolina recently, when a woman was finally reunited with her cat, 11 years after it had gone missing
Footage from the Charleston Animal Society shows Jennifer Ravenel reuniting with her long-lost cat Sam.
“I searched and searched the woods, I asked everybody that lived around us, and nobody saw him. But he’s a survivor,” Ravenel says as she holds Sam again.
Ravenel adopted Sam in 2011, but two years later Sam disappeared from her home after he got spooked by a dog, the Charleston Animal Society said.
Since the early August reunion, Ravenel told the Charleston Animal Society that Sam was settling back in well, and that “he hasn’t wanted to go back outside, he is mostly staying at the foot of my bed.”
The Charleston Animal Society said that the emotional reunion was only possible because Sam had been microchipped. Credit: Charleston Animal Society via Storyful
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