Houston Zoo Elephant Becomes First to Get New Vaccine Against Deadly Virus
A 40-year-old Asian elephant at Houston Zoo has become the first of its kind to receive an mRNA vaccine against a deadly virus that affects the species.
Footage released by the zoo shows Tess receiving the elephant endotheliotropic herpesvirus (EEHV) 1A vaccine.
The EEHV vaccine was developed by virologists at Houston’s Baylor College of Medicine, led by Dr Paul Ling.
Its development was the result of a 15-year partnership between Ling and the zoo.
According to the college website, EEHV “can cause lethal hemorrhagic disease, particularly in juvenile Asian elephants.” The virus is “the leading cause of death in juvenile Asian elephants born in North America,” according to the college.
Speaking in the footage, Ling says, “We’re very hopeful this is going to solve the problem.”
The zoo said their team would monitor Tess for the effectiveness of the vaccine and adverse reactions or side effects.
It said it planned to vaccinate additional members of its elephant herd, with plans to make the vaccine available to other elephants, including those in the wild. Credit: Kevin Kendrick/Houston Zoo via Storyful
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