Identical twins have spent their lives sharing jobs, clothes, holidays and playing pranks

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These identical twins have lived the same lives for an incredible 83 years – sharing jobs, holidays, clothes and playing pranks on friends. Margaret and Maureen Beckwith were born just five minutes apart on July 17, 1940 and have been inseparable ever since. The siblings went to the same school after failing the 11-plus exam and got jobs as machinists at a dress making factory aged 15. The mischievous pair regularly played pranks on their workmates by switching places at their machines to see if anyone noticed. Over the years they have never lived more than a few minutes away from each other and share clothes, holidays and even street names. Margaret, who is the oldest, lives on Queen Eleanor Road in Northampton while Maureen lives on the next street named Queen Eleanor Terrace. The twins say they often know when the other is not feeling well and regularly turn up to each other’s houses wearing identical outfits. Margaret was married to husband Richard – who also had an identical twin Roger – for 55 years before he died in 2017 aged 76. Maureen also married but divorced her late husband and now dotes on her five grandchildren, including 14-year twins William and Daniel.