Japanese artist makes super realistic felted cats

Is this cat real or fake?

Locator: Kanagawa, Japan

It’s a hyper-realistic 3D cat portrait

skilfully created by Japanese artist, Sachi

The eyeballs are made from glass

and the ears are made from tiny pieces of wool felt

(SOUNDBITE) (Japanese) 3D FELTED WOOL ARTIST, WHO GOES BY THE NAME SACHI, SAYING: "I think that the moment when the cat's spirit enters into the artwork can be presented through the eyes. In that sense, I have been very particular about how to make the eyes."

Each cat can take up to a month to finish

Sachi says her artwork has encouraged people to rescue cats


"It was a big event for me that the cat (tortoiseshell cat) I made reached someone's heart, and this person wanted to adopt this cat (tortoiseshell cat). It's still a vague idea, but I hope to hold an exhibition with the theme of "shelter cats" in the future, so more people will take them in."