KCU Joplin's Dr. Stewart Discusses the Link Between Sleep and Diabetes
11 次觀看・3 個月前
Poor sleep has long been known to be a significant risk factor for diabetes. New studiessuggest that very irregular sleep patterns can significantly increase the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.Type 2 diabetes affects the body`s ability to process sugar (glucose), hindering insulin absorption,which results in high blood sugar levels. Consistent sleep deprivation can result in insulin resistance, meaning the body can`t use insulin tomaintain healthy blood sugar levels. Sleep deprivation causes the body to release less insulin after eating, while also secreting morecortisol (stress hormones) to help you stay awake. Lack of consistent, restful sleep raises ghrelin (the hunger hormone), and decreases levels of leptin, the hormone that makes us feel full. People who sleep poorly may be more likely to seek relief in foods that raise blood sugar. People with type 2 diabetes who suffer from long-term sleep disturbance or frequent nighttime awakenings may also be less likely to follow other standards for diabetes self-care, such as getting regular exercise and monitoring blood glucose levels. Sleep deprivation can begin to increase the risk of developing diabetes in as little as a few days. The effects can increase over time. After 4-5 days of insufficient sleep, insulin sensitivity can decrease by 25-30%. After 3 nights of only 4 hours of sleep, fatty acid levels in the blood can remain elevated reducing insulin`s ability to regulate blood sugar. If sleep loss only occurs for a few days, the damaging effects can be reversed.The amount of sleep you need depends on your age. Most adults (age 18 60) need 7 or more hours of restful sleep each night.What can diabetics do to improve sleep habits? Exercise earlier in the day, not too close to bedtime.Check your blood sugar levels, including before bed, so you can make corrections and improve yourcontrol. If your blood sugar level is low before bed, try eating a nutritious snack like a small apple.Try to schedule stressful tasks (that raise cortisol levels) earlier in the day.Consider your weight. Losing weight can help improve your blood sugar control and decrease the risk of sleep apnea.Whether you have diabetes or not, you can take steps to improve your sleep and decrease your risk of developing diabetes by following these tips:Create a restful environment (cool, dark, quiet bedroom). You can also try taking a warm bath orshower before bed.Avoid stimulants. Don`t consume caffeine, alcohol or stimulants in the evening.Turn off artificial lights and screens (TVs, smartphones) at least 30 minutes before bed.Establish a routine. Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day. Eat well. Avoid going to bed hungry or too full. Exercise regularly. Manage stress.
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