How to make Lasagne: Layers of homemade pasta with Ragu sauce & béchamel

1 年前
Lasagne - ragu sauce - béchamel. make your own lasagne from either shop bought or homemade pasta dough, layers of rich ragu sauce pasta and bechamel sacue, top your lasagne with parmesan for a classic soulfood recipe Fresh pasta dough 200g - 7oz approx Minced or ground beef 500g - 1.1lb Minced or ground pork 500g - 1.1lb Tinned tomatoes or tomato pasta sauce 500g - 1.1lb Red or white wine 1 large glass Red onion 1 1/2 Garlic 2 or 3 cloves Celery 1 stick Herbs thyme - sage and parsley The béchamel Unsalted butter 50g - 1.75oz Plain flour 50g - 1.75 oz Milk 500ml - 1 pint Cream cheese or mascarpone 2 tbsp Pecorino or parmesan as much as you like