French National Assembly Holds Minute's Silence for Victims of Annecy Attack
The French National Assembly held a minute’s silence after several people, mostly young children, were injured in a knife attack in the southern French city of Annecy on Thursday, June 8, the country’s interior minister said.
Gerald Darmanin said the suspect was arrested “thanks to the very rapid intervention of the police.”
Le Dauphine reported that at least six children were injured in the attack. The suspect was described by Le Dauphine and other outlets as of Syrian origin. Le Figaro said the suspect was an asylum seeker and not known to police.
In a statement, the French President Emmanuel Macron called the attack “absolute cowardice.”
“Children and an adult are between life and death. The nation is in shock. Our thoughts are with them as well as their families and the emergency services mobilized,” Macron said. Credit: Assemblee nationale via Storyful
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